Martin Cooper making call |
Walking down the street you can watch people how they rush each in his own direction and world. Most of them are talking...But not with each other but with someone on the other site of the wire. Mobile phone in
certainly one of the technological invention
that has entranced the world. Almost everybody have it - old people, young people, children, business people, country people and more...But how this all started?....Almost 40 years ago Martin Cooper was walking down the streets of New York and making calls with the first prototype of mobile phone, first he intended to the development Manager of the competitive company Bell Labs. Since then, the mobile phone slowly struggling into the lives of the general masses and became right hand for the individuals, but today we can say is already an indispensable part of our everyday lives. So what is mobile phone new or old media? Sure beginnings of mobile phone goes almost 40 years ago, but we can not say that the latest version of Nokia or other is an old media. Mobile phone is a great example of combining conceptions of an old and new media, a great example of thinking wider and outside the box of certain perspectives and finally a great example that human component and perception and ways of using some media is important factor that media theory should not taken for granted.
Link to article: http://24ur.com/novice/it/pred-38-leti-opravljen-prvi-klic-z-mobilnim-telefonom.html
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